- Computer science
- applied mathematics (lecture 2021-2024, practical part 2020)
- signal processing and computational geometry (lecture, created geometry part, 2022/23/24)
- optimization and numerical computing (practical 23/24)
- advanced computer graphics (practical part 2022/23)
- physically based simulation (practical part 2020/21/22/24)
- Civil engineering
- strength of materials (practical 2020)
- structural analysis - solving indeterminate systems (practical 2013-2015)
- Master theses
- Bachelor theses
- Parallel Implementation of Soft Body Dynamics (best thesis award inday 2024)
- Interactive Soft Body Cutting (2023)
- Virtual Multi-Camera System in Blender (2023)
- Automatically Generated Platformer Game Levels via Reinforcement Learning (2022)
- Implementation of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics in SYCL (2022)
- Prediction of Vortex Formation via Machine Learning (2022)
- Interactive Audio Book (2020)
- A Data File Converter for the F5 Project (2012)
- Digital Games in the Context of Holocaust, Panel Discussion within the Lecture Series of Historical Game Studies. University of Innsbruck. (2023)
Machine Learning in Games - Past, Present, and Future within the Lecture Series of Game Studies. University of Innsbruck. (2023) - Visual Analysis of Point Cloud Neighborhoods via Multi-Scale Geometric Measures at the Eurographics Conference 2021 in Vienna (virtually), 5.5.2021. (2021, diglib)
- Sphere Tessellation in OpenGL and F# at the Uncodeference 2019 in Wattens, 10.5.2019. (2019)
- Scientific Visualization at the DK+ Interdisciplinary Computational Modeling - Winter School 2015 in Obergurgl, 25.11.2015. (2015)
- Visualization of Finite Element Data of a Multi-Phase Concrete Model, 5th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics, Wien, 10.07.2013. (2013)
- Molecular Visualization Tools in Vish – MolVISH - Visualization of long- and short-lived hydrogen-bonded clusters in liquid ethylene-glycole, 1st Retreat of the doctoral school DK+CIM Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling, Innsbruck, 12.04.2013. (2013)
- Visualization of HPC Data Using the Visualization Shell VISH and the Scientific File Format F5, 3rd Austrian High Performance Computing Workshop, St. Pölten, 26.09.2012. (2012)
- Reconstructing Power Cables From LIDAR Data Using Eigenvector Streamlines of the Point Distribution Tensor Field, 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2012, Pilsen, 26.06.2012. (2012)
- Visual Data Mining Using the Point Distribution Tensor, The First International Workshop on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics - VisGra 2012, Saint Gilles, Reunion Island, 01.03.2012. (2012)
- Using HDF5 for Cross Disciplinary Data Archival and Highly Performing Processing of Multi-Variant Observational and Computational Data with Simple or Complex Topology, European Geosciences Union
General Assembly (EGU) 2011, 5.4.2011. (2011)
- A Framework for Computing Integral Geometries in VISH using Template Meta Programming, 6th High-End Visualization Workshop, Obergurgl, 12.12.2010. (2010)
- Rendering Black Holes in Maya, 4th High-End Visualization Workshop, Obergurgl, 20.6.2007. (2007)
- Fundamental Criteria to Evaluate Scientific Work - An Essay on the philosophy of sciences and scientific methods, by Gunther Bergauer and Marcel Ritter. (2007, German)
- Das Fagott, seine Entwicklung, sein Einsatz in der Musik und eine Untersuchung des Klangcharakters mit Hilfe der akustischen Spektralanalyse - An Essay on the Bassoon and its Sound, by Marcel Ritter. (1997, in German)